
Anti-Party Hopping Laws vs Recall Elections

Back before the Anti-Party Hopping Law was put in place, we spoke to constitutional lawyer New Sin Yew about his …

Expert Opinion

Is the US responsible for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?

A lot of people have blamed the United States and NATO for causing the Russia-Ukraine war, which has got political …


Is Malaysia Prepared To Face Disasters Caused by Climate Change?

Disaster risk reduction specialist Hafiz Amirrol gives us the low-down on Malaysia’s disaster management systems — and the actual role of …


Next Covid-19-level Pandemic Could Be Sooner Than You Think

Virologist Dr Kumitaa Theva Das says the next Covid-19-level pandemic could happen within our lifetimes — way sooner than scientists in …

The Sama-Sama Project

Adakah Dasar Anti Diskriminasi Boleh Membanteras Rasisme?