Fourth Academy > Blog > Alumni Feature May 2024: Ngiam Karyn

Fourth creators alumni feature:
Ngiam Karyn

Each month, we highlight a Fourth Creators alumni to highlight their path into content creation, journalism, or any captivating stories they have to share.

This month, we’re excited to hear from Ngiam Karyn, a recent graduate in fashion and textile design. At just 23 years old, Karyn has worked with multiple NGOs, championing sustainable fashion and climate change. Her work in graphic design and environmental sustainability serves as the driving force behind her social media content creation endeavours.


Hello! Could you please share a bit about yourself?


K: Hi there! I am Ngiam Karyn, but you can just call me Karyn. I graduated in Fashion & Textile Design and I’m now working as a freelance graphic designer in Kuala Lumpur. 

My passion lies in sustainable fashion and tackling climate change.


Have you ventured into content creation before? If so, could you highlight a project that you’re especially proud to have contributed to?


K: Over a dynamic two-year span (2020-2021), I was deeply immersed in the Malaysian Youth Delegation‘s vibrant community. 

Initially, I contributed as a member of their Media working group later transitioning into the role of Group Coordinator. 

Within these roles, I unleashed my creativity through graphic design and learnt to communicate often complex topics in an engaging social media content. 

Together, we orchestrated virtual events, igniting discussions and empowering youth with insights into the pressing matters of climate change and its interconnected issues.

Here are my work with Malaysian Youth Climate (@mydclimate)


Karyn’s work in social media content.
Written a statement to the Ministry of Environment and Water to consider adopting the term ‘climate change’ in its rebranding process.
(Click on the picture to read more)


What motivated you to pursue this field? 


K: I think, as a Gen-Z who grew up with social media, it is been a constant presence in my life. I have learned so much from it. 

My passion for issues like climate change and sustainability stems from the influence of fellow content creators and advocates who have passionately addressed these topics.

Unlike the often simplistic reporting of traditional media, I believe creators have the platform to craft innovative, thought-provoking, and inspiring content.

With so much noise out there, capturing people’s interest in an issue can be difficult. 

But with constantly evolving social media trends, it is important to be adaptable and draw inspiration from what’s working at the moment.


How was your experience at the Fourth Academy programme? 


K: I joined the Fourth Creators Workshop in 2023, which was the first time I experimented with video content. 

As a graphic designer who primarily works with static images and infographics, content creation new experience for me. 

It challenged me to get in front of the camera and be the face of my content. Not only did it help with my research, scripting and content creation skills, it also helped me think more critically about a piece of media, and realise that advocacy can take form in many different formats and mediums.

I also attended the Connect and Create Mixer event in March, where we delved into discussions about diversity in content creation and its impact on careers. 

I had the pleasure of engaging with panelists like Vaneesha Krish, Ain Husniza, and Hakeem, along with other attendees. 

It was also fascinating to learn about the projects my fellow alumni are involved in.


In your experience, how important is it for young individuals to have a platform to hone their skills and amplify their voices?


K: If not for joining NGOs and programmes like the Creator Camp, it would’ve been harder for me to dip my toes in content creation and advocacy. 

Learning from experienced individuals in a supportive and cultivating environment has been invaluable. 

Not only that but also being able to connect with others and share insights and experiences is also an important part of learning and gaining more confidence in your skills. 

The learning curve is steeper without the guidance, structure and accountability you get from a programme.


Lastly, what advice would you give to other young people about going into impact content creation?


K: Start before you feel “ready.” Keep an open mind and learn as you go along. 

Be aware of your own biases and consider things from different angles. 

Be creative with your strengths and don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Advocacy can take different forms for everyone.


If you want to find out more about Karyn’s work, you can check out her portfolio here.

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