Fourth Academy > Blog > Alumni Feature September 2024: Dishen Kumar

Fourth creators alumni feature:
Dishen Kumar

Every month, we feature a Fourth Creators alumni to share their journey into content creation, journalism – or even just an interesting story that they have.

This month, let’s hear from a dynamic media professional and content creator, Dishen Kumar, 36 has had a unique journey from electrical engineering to the spotlight of broadcasting. With a diverse portfolio that includes hosting health-focused TV shows and contributing to various media platforms, Dishen combines his storytelling expertise with a drive to make meaningful impacts in the ever-evolving media landscape. Now, as a Featured Fourth Creators Alumni, he continues to inspire with his innovative content and unwavering dedication.

Interview by Aqila Afindi


Hi Dishen! Can you tell us about yourself?


Dishen: Hi! My name is Dishen Kumar, and I have a degree in electronic engineering. After graduation, I started working as an engineer but quickly realized it wasn’t for me. I enjoyed presenting and hosting more, also having done many emceeing gigs. 

My first job was at a construction company, which wasn’t a good fit for me. 

Then, I applied to Astro, transitioning into the entertainment industry where I could still work as an engineer but in a setting I enjoyed more.

Currently, I’m freelancing and working with an agency called Choobub Creatives.

Dishen’s during his time as a broadcast engineer at Astro Awani.
Dishen handled behind-the-scenes work for Astro Awani. Here he took a picture of host Essan Yahya during a news production.


May I know what was the best highlight of your transition from engineering to the entertainment industry?


D: One highlight of my career was interviewing Wes Brown from Manchester United, a football player I admired growing up. 

As a huge football fan, this was a dream come true. During my time at Astro, I hosted various sports shows and took every opportunity to interview people.

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Dishen interviewed former Manchester United player Wes Brown on news channel Astro Awani.


Standing shoulder to shoulder with Wes Brown, I felt a sense of accomplishment, reflecting on my journey from working in construction to interviewing a football superstar. It was a memorable moment, and he genuinely enjoyed my questions.

Dishen with Wes Brown, former professional football player of Manchester United .


Can you share with us your journey into content creation? 


D: In 2016, I joined Astro as a broadcast engineer but soon realized I wanted to be on camera. By 2017, I was hosting “Viva,” my first web show, marking my entry into content creation. 

In 2018, I interviewed several MPs, and in 2019, I launched “Health Matters with Dishen Kumar” on Astro Awani, where I was the producer, scriptwriter, and host.

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Dishen produced, scripted, and hosted the show “Health Matters with Dishen Kumar” on Astro Awani.


After six years at Astro, I left in 2022 to explore new opportunities and started a podcast with my wife, discovering my passion for content creation. 

In 2023, I worked with Constant Pharmacy on social media content, which quickly garnered over a million views on TikTok and Facebook.

I then started freelancing and working with various brands. Currently, I freelance while also being part of Choobub Creatives, offering diverse services to add value for my clients.

Dishen’s TV shows : “Viva” and “Health Matters with Dishen Kumar”.


Did you think an impactful content can spark a meaningful conversations?


D:  As a content creator, I focus on making educational and entertaining videos. I created a video for Constant Pharmacy and it hit 1 million views on TikTok.


This video sparked a lot of positive discussions, with people sharing their experiences and emphasizing the importance of the topic. 

It showed that content with a meaningful message can engage viewers and drive conversations.

I believe in creating impactful content that educates and entertains, rather than just following trends. 

Another successful video was about phone repairs, where I debunked a common myth, which resonated well with the audience. My goal is to make content that teaches, offers new perspectives, and encourages positive dialogue.

How did you first hear about the The Fourth, and what motivated you to join the Fourth Academy programme?

D: I joined The Fourth in 2021 for a social experiment on race, which sparked my interest in their work.

I found it important to discuss race issues openly, and that led me to connect with The Fourth. 

I discovered the mixer through Instagram and applied to meet other creators and gain new perspectives. 

At the mixer, I enjoyed engaging with diverse content creators, including one discussing urban development, which broadened my view on content creation.

Dishen’s professional headshots at the Connect and Create Mixer event

What advice would you give to other young people about going into impact content creation?

D: As a content creator, it’s crucial to stay open to diverse approaches and push your creativity to the max.

Start with your “why”—discover your passion and what you love. Turn that into something you can earn from and learn any necessary skills.

Your “why” should be about making a positive impact, not just earning money. If you’re unsure, explore different experiences to find your true purpose. Once you do, working towards it will feel like play .

Find inspiration from creators you admire and continuously refine your skills through practice, even if it means doing free work to build your portfolio. Learn video editing, develop your on-camera presence, and be prepared to invest time in improving your craft.

Follow Dishen on LinkedIn to learn more about him.

We’ll be featuring a Fourth Creators Alumni in every monthly newsletter. If you’d like to nominate someone, including yourself, please get in touch with us by emailing us at