Unfazed by a lack of cleaning services, Sea Park Apartments residents organised a communal clean-up yesterday (5th Nov), to ensure the cleanliness of their neighbourhood does not deteriorate further.
“Since there is no management council (MC) at the moment, and no cleaning services in our apartments, we have to do this ourselves,” said Yap, a resident and treasurer of the Sea Park Apartment Owners and Residents Association (SPORA).
An announcement was made on Thursday via the apartments’ WhatsApp chat group, calling for residents to help with the clean-up. Around 15 residents and owners showed up as early as 8:20AM yesterday with cleaning tools and proceeded to clean up the garbage disposal area of their apartments.
The main focus of the clean-up was to remove large items of trash that have accumulated at the garbage disposal area. These items are too large to be removed by the MBPJ rubbish collection service. The items were loaded onto a large rubbish carriage which will be removed by a lorry for disposal. SPORA donated the funds to rent the rubbish carriage, lorry, and to purchase the cleaning tools used by participants.
“When there was an MC, the MC could arrange the disposal of the larger items. So in the meantime, I ask that residents arrange for disposal on their own,” said SPORA President Gary Choong.

A land dispute has left the apartments without a functioning management council (MC), and therefore no official body to maintain essential services at the apartments, including cleaning services.
Read the full story of the decades-long land dispute at Sea Park Apartments here: thefourth.media/apartments
Many of the participants mentioned their desire to maintain their neighbourhood as the reason they showed up to help.
“Because this is a community, we are all part of this community, that’s why I decided to help,” said Tamara, a resident.
“It has been in my mind to tidy up our apartments’ outside area, especially the garbage area and also to cover the damaged drain next to it to avoid any accidents. It was good that this gotong-royong was initiated. Of course I’ll help out, after all this is our home,” said Sally, another resident.

Throughout the two-hour-long clean-up, many residents expressed their hope that the land dispute affecting their neighbourhood will be resolved quickly, so that essential services can resume.
“As soon as possible,” said Queenie simply, who was there with her teenage daughter, when asked how she hopes the land dispute will be resolved.
“We hope those with the position to solve the problem will take the necessary action,” said Tan, another resident who was there. “We are not responsible for the subdivision of the land and the way the strata titles were issued, we are the ones who are affected by it.”
WATCH: The documentary The Apartments With No Entrance